Procedures & Fines

The City of Hudson court docket is the schedule of the court. Defendants will be expected to adhere to the procedures and protocol of the court at all times, including proper attire.

All mobile devices, including phones, must be turned off. Photography and audio recordings are prohibited. No food or drink will be allowed in the courtroom at any time.


If you have an active warrant, the court is a Safe Haven designation. Safe Haven is a non-arrest court policy for individuals that volunteer to appear to the court. To resolve citation/ticket issues. 

Indigence. If a defendant is indigent or otherwise too poor to pay either the appeal bond or the transcript, she\he may file an Affidavit of Indigency with the court and a Motion to Waive Costs within the ten (10) day period to file an appeal bond.  A hearing on the motion to waive costs shall then be scheduled by the court.

Inability to Pay Fine. If a defendant does not appeal the court's decision but is unable to pay the fine when due, the defendant must appear at the clerk's office and request their case be set on a show-cause docket.  If the defendant qualifies, the court may allow the defendant to pay the fine in installments or discharge the fine by performing community service.  If community service creates an undue hardship, the judge may enter a finding of indigence and waive fines and fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have to take care of a traffic ticket?

You have twelve (12) days from the date of the citation to contact the court and make a plea to the charges. You must enter a plea on each violation of Not Guilty, Guilty, or No Contest.  If we do not hear from you within 12 days from the citation date, additional charges may be filed against you and a warrant may be issued.

If I plea Not Guilty, what do I have to do?

You must plea Not Guilty in person. When you plea Not Guilty to a charge, you will be provided an appointment to see the City Judge.

Can I pay my tickets by credit card?

Credit cards are currently accepted in person, by phone or thru web pay. Otherwise, we accept cash, money orders or cashiers checks. If you are mailing your payment, please put Attention Municipal Court.

Can I take Defensive Driving or get Deferred Disposition for my ticket?

You may be eligible for Defensive Driving for your citation or Deferred Disposition. Please contact the court clerk for more information.

What do I do if I have a warrant?

If you have outstanding warrants, you may do one of the following to have the warrants cleared: 
  • Call the Court at (936) 875-2358 EXT. 104
  • Set up a payment plan
  • Pay the fine in full

Please contact the court at 936-875-2358 EXT.104 or come in person to 201 Mt. Carmel Rd Hudson, TX 75904 to make arrangements. NOTE:  You will not be arrested if you come to court to clear a warrant

Contact Info

Court Clerk
3458 Ted Trout Drive Hudson, TX 75904
(936)-875-2358 EXT. 104